пятница, 9 августа 2013 г.

What Fun Educational Apps Liked

"Fractions. Smart Pirate" math app is really engaging and my students loved it.  I loved the variety of activities available to practice.  The Common Core Standards don’t just focus on identifying fractions – they focus on the application of skills and using fractions in operations.  By working with equivalencies, comparing, and calculating, students have lots of different ways to practice.  

I also really like the different levels of difficulty. The easy level was perfect for my lower level students who are still learning fractions.  The medium and hard levels were really appropriate for older students who are capable of doing the calculations and comparing different denominators.  

Additionally, the pirate theme has become so popular in the past few years that children are engaged with the animations throughout the app. This app can be linked to Game Center for record keeping by parents, but this option can be turned off as well. 

Read more: http://www.funeducationalapps.com/2013/06/fractions-smart-pirate-a-new-top-pick-math-app-review.html#ixzz2bSIkJ7AE

четверг, 8 августа 2013 г.

Equivalent Fractions in "Fractions. Smart Pirate" app

Equivalent Fractions asks students to balance a bridge with buckets of firecrackers so that the pirate can cross.  The fraction equivalencies are not easy and students will really need to think about the problem.  If they choose the wrong bucket of firecrackers, they explode.  The Comparing section is similar.  Students must choose the watermelon that is larger than the one the captain is holding.  The easy levels have fractions with the same denominators.  The medium levels have different denominators and the hard levels work with larger numbers and varied denominators. 

среда, 7 августа 2013 г.

Read more about "Fractions. Smart Pirate"

Simple Fractions has students divide a pizza between pirates.  Players must give the pirates on the beach a piece of pizza from an already divided pizza.  They must then identify the fraction that remains to give out the pieces to the pirates in the boat.  The Addition section has the player put two cake fractions on the plate.  They must then add the two fractions to find the answer.  The Easy level has fractions with common denominators, while the other two levels have mixed denominators and students must reduce the fraction to get the answer. 

Read more about "
Fractions. Smart Pirate": 

понедельник, 5 августа 2013 г.

Fractions. Smart Pirate is a fun way for students to practice fractions skills

Developer Virtualnye Prostranstva LLC has created an educational venue for kids to analyze and apply knowledge of fractions in an engaging and fun way.  Students are greeted with a pirate map with four locations: Simple Fractions, Equivalent Fractions, Addition, and Comparing.  Each level focuses on a different skill and has three different difficulty levels. 

пятница, 2 августа 2013 г.

Fractions. Smart Pirate - A New Top Pick Math App

Fractions are a necessary skill and show up in every grade level’s Common Core Standards beginning in second grade.  Fractions.  Smart Pirate math app is fun way to not just identify fractions, but to apply problem solving skills with them as well.  Students go from identifying simple fractions to using those fractions to solve a variety of problems in this Top Pick math app.
Read more: http://www.funeducationalapps.com/2013/06/fractions-smart-pirate-a-new-top-pick-math-app-review.html#ixzz2aoF20wIC

среда, 31 июля 2013 г.

"3D Molecules Edit&Drill" is FREE. Today only.

3D Molecules Edit&Drill is a three-dimensional modeling tool and viewer for chemistry education in schools, colleges and universities.

3D Molecules Edit&Drill designed to enable students to build, construct, modify and examine molecules in 3D. 

The app is also great for any high school or college student in chemistry courses. Professionals will also find it very useful!

One of the key feature of 3D Molecules Edit&Drill is the "Test yourself" mode that allows learners to check their knowledge of chemistry and chemical compounds. For this mode you can create your own correct model of molecule and send it to students. Students can download this molecule verification file and use it for "Test yourself" mode.

3D Molecules Edit&Drill allows the users to open and view molecules in SDF format files, for example, from NCBI's PubChem (http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), a public database of compounds. 

When you have finished building your molecule you can either open and save it in cloud services, like Dropbox, and third-party programs or sent by e-mail.

• Building molecule model of any organic or inorganic compound using most of periodic table elements.
• “Test yourself” mode to build the target chemical compounds.
• Support of single, double and triple bonds. 
• Building molecule models of cyclic compounds. 
• Hints which provide information about what's going wrong with the builded molecule.
• Visualization of Stick style, Ball and Stick, Spacefill (CPK) models.
• Visualization of atomic orbitals and electron effects.
• T-shaped and «seesaw» molecular geometries support.
• Availability of information about the bond length and chemical element symbols in the molecule. 
• Bond-angle optimization.
• Saving and sending the created model by e-mail.
• Loading, editing and saving molecule in SDF file format.
• Creating, sending and opening molecule verification file.
• Export to VRML format for builded molecule.
• Opening the molecule file attachments directly from Mail.
• Opening and saving created molecules in cloud services and third-party applications.

The app includes tutorial how to create and delete models.

Download this app FREE

вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

понедельник, 29 июля 2013 г.

With "Math. Smart Pirate" learning can be fun!

"Math. Smart Pirate" – is an educational iPad application which teaches children to recognize fractions, to read time, to solve mathematical expressions ( addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). 

See "Math. Smart Pirate" in action!

пятница, 12 июля 2013 г.

Learning arithmetic can be fun!

Now learning arithmetic can be fun once you use an exciting application “Useful Math. Smart Pirate”. The app covers all arithmetic operations including addition and subtraction of prime numbers, addition and subtraction of numbers greater than ten, multiplication, division, and mathematical operations within 100. Playing this application kids will master basic mathematical skills in the shortest possible time. 

Learning occurs while playing a fun and exciting game! A brave and smart pirate gets onto a Mathematics island. On the way to his ship, he has to pick cannon balls necessary to gain the victory over the enemy ships. Before picking every cannon ball, the pirate is challenged to add, subtract, divide, and multiply. The player has to be attentive and give correct answers to get as many cannon balls as possible and run all enemy ships down. 

• The app covers all arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and mathematical operations within 100.
• The app has exercises of different difficulty levels.
• There is an exciting game at the end of each level.
• Statistics of achievements are available at any moment. 

“Useful Math. Smart Pirate” app is perfect for mastering math skills both at home and at school.
Play it right now! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/useful-math.-smart-pirate/id583815133?mt=8

четверг, 11 июля 2013 г.

A brave Pirate makes his way to complete a challenging mission!

Enemy ships are ready to attack him in the open sea. Help the Pirate survive, pick as many cannon balls as possible and shoot straight to take down enemy ships!

Put your math skills to complete 28 difficulty levels with math examples of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Every correct response gives you a bonus cannon ball that can be used at the end of every level during exciting sea battles against enemy ships. The examples become more complicated from level to level but the Smart Pirate is sure to provide the necessary assistance level to help you cope with any challenge.
The player's achievements table is available at any moment and at any level of the game!

* 28 difficulty levels with math examples
* At the end of every level there is an exciting sea battle against enemy ships
* Fun animation of the pirate
* Statistics is available at any moment of the game for all the levels passed
* Any level can be repeated 

Play "Math. Smart Pirate" now!

среда, 10 июля 2013 г.

Дроби для любого класса — легко с помощью iPad! (продолжение)

Мои надежды оправдались, приложение в очень веселой и доступной для малыша форме обучает понятию дробей. Игра состоит из четырех заданий-островов.
Изучаем дроби - junipad.ru
На первом острове «Простые дроби» ребенок учится распознавать дроби — необходимо накормить пиратов на берегу пиццей, и правильно указать, какая часть пиццы достанется пиратам в лодке. Если малыш ошибся, то в лодку попадает снаряд… Так что надо быть очень собранным :) . На каждом острове предусмотрено 3 уровня сложности, поэтому интересно будет всем ребятам — и тем, кто только начал  учиться, и тем, кто уже имеет представление о дробях.
Изучаем дроби - делим пиццу - junipad.ru
Базовые задачки позади, пора плыть дальше. Следующий остров —«Эквивалентность». На нем необходимо помочь пиратам перебраться через пропасть. Но, чтобы сделать это, нужно уравновесить мост с помощью корзин — выбрать корзину с петардами с нужным весом.
Решаем дроби - junipad.ru
Третий остров — «Сравнение». Здесь уже нужно решать дроби посложнее. У пиратов появился соперник -  Одноглазый Капитан. Чтоб с ним справиться, необходимо выбрать больший арбуз, чем у него.
Решаем задачи с дробями - junipad.ru
И вот путешествие подходит к концу. Последний, четвертый, остров — «Сложение».Наш пират проголодался и решил съесть несколько кусков торта сразу. Необходимо положить их на тарелку и подсчитать, сколько же всего он съел. Если малыш ошибется, то весь торт достанется нахальному попугаю!
Изучаем дроби - junipad.ru
Мне приложение очень понравилось. Оно получилось действительно очень полезным, и, что самое главное — дети играют в него с большим удовольствием.

понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Дроби для любого класса — легко с помощью iPad!

В нашей жизни мы часто сталкиваемся с понятием часть-целое. Мы даже не замечаем, как часто мы говорим «возьми половину», «подели конфеты  между друзьями», «раздели апельсин на 4 части»… Для нас это само собой разумеющиеся понятия, но не для наших малышей. Практика показывает, что даже в 5м классе многие дети «плавают» в упражнениях с дробями. Итак, сегодня мы знакомимся со этим страшным  словом поподробнее.  
Многие из нас свое первое знакомство с дробями начинали со считалки «Мы делили апельсин, Много нас, а он один…». Вот и мы начали с пересчитывания вкусных долек, и малыш  начал что-то понимать. Но первый успех нужно закреплять, и я решила найти какое-нибудь интересное приложение для обучения дробям. Недолгий поиск, и вот у нас уже установлено приложение «Дроби. Пират-отличник».

Читай подробнее на JuniPad.ru:

четверг, 4 июля 2013 г.

Catch up PROMO CODES!!!

!!! Everyone who will share this post in Facebook or Twitter during 2 days will get a PROMO CODE for our new amazing app “Useful Math. Smart Pirate: Elementary School” !!! 

It is easy! Attention, the number of promo codes is limited!

вторник, 2 июля 2013 г.

Let's learn math with fun!

“Useful Math. Smart Pirate” covers all arithmetic operations including addition and subtraction of prime numbers, addition and subtraction of numbers greater than ten, multiplication, division, and mathematical operations within 100!

Let's learn math with fun!!!

четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

Can you compare fractions?

Two pirates are on a seesaw.  The pirate on the bottom holds a watermelon with a fraction.  The child needs to select a second watermelon with a fraction larger than the other so that the second pirate can be lowered to the ground.  Success results in the pirate walking off with his melon.  The pirate drops the watermelon when an incorrect answer is selected.

Addition? It is easy!

Addition of two fractions is one of "Fraction. Smart Pirate" parts. 
 The children are asked to add the value of two pieces of cake.  If they are correct, the pirate eats the cake.  If not, his parrot swoops in and eats it...

среда, 26 июня 2013 г.

Equivalent with "Fractions. Smart Pirate"

Balance a bridge with equal buckets of fireworks to allow the pirate to cross.  Children are presented with a fraction, for example 2/3, and need to select a fraction with an equal value, such as 4/6, to balance a bridge.  If they are correct the bridge will balance and the pirate can cross.  An incorrect answer results in the crackers exploding.

 Do you already play "Fractions. Smart Pirate"? Download right now!

Or read more about: http://onsarahsipad.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/fractions-smart-pirate/

вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

Let's learn simple fractions together!

     Simple Fractions – A pizza is shared between pirates on a beach and in a boat. Children tap each slice to feed the pirates on the beach, who walk away as they are fed.  They are then asked to select the fraction that indicates how much remains for those in the boat.  A six-sliced pizza might first feed 2 pirates on the beach, and then the child would need to select 4/6 to show the remainder. 
       If they are correct, the pirates in the boat cheer, eat the pizza and row away.  An incorrect answer will cause a cannon ball to sink their boat.   If children have forgotten how many slices they started with (necessary to indicate the denominator), a faint image remains behind to help with counting.
      Do you already play "Fractions. Smart Pirate"? Download right now!

      Or read more about: http://onsarahsipad.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/fractions-smart-pirate/

понедельник, 24 июня 2013 г.

"Fractions – Smart Pirate" on Sarah's iPad

Fractions was never fun when I was school, except when I got to play with food.  Now my children have the benefit of a fun App with a few activities to help reinforce what they are learning about fractions.
There are four activities, each with 3 levels of difficulty.  The levels of difficulty mean the App could be used for children in middle to upper primary school.  A training mode guides children through each activity, although the caption has a glaring misspelling. A cute musical theme plays in the background but it can be turned off using the control on the main screen. (Believe me, you’ll want to use it as the ‘cute’ wears off fairly quickly.)

пятница, 21 июня 2013 г.

среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

Now learning arithmetic can be fun!

Now learning arithmetic can be fun once you use an exciting application “Arithmetic. Smart Pirate”. The app covers all arithmetic operations including addition and subtraction of prime numbers, addition and subtraction of numbers greater than ten, multiplication, division, and mathematical operations within 100. Playing this application kids will master basic mathematical skills in the shortest possible time. 

Learning occurs while playing a fun and exciting game! A brave and smart pirate gets onto a Mathematics island. On the way to his ship, he has to pick cannon balls necessary to gain the victory over the enemy ships. Before picking every cannon ball, the pirate is challenged to add, subtract, divide, and multiply. The player has to be attentive and give correct answers to get as many cannon balls as possible and run all enemy ships down. 

“Arithmetic. Smart Pirate” app is perfect for mastering math skills both at home and at school! Try it right now! 
Get excellent math game for the child

понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

4 games in 1!

Fractions. Smart Pirate includes 4 games which are represented by islands. 

On the first island we learn to read fractions. Offer your pirates on the island some slices of pizza and guess what part of the pizza is left for other pirates to eat in the boat! If you make a mistake they will be in trouble... 
On the second island, the pirates have to get across the bottomless abyss. In order to do it, they should balance the bridge using firecracker baskets. Help the pirates - choose a basket with an equivalent fraction! 
On the third island, the pirates come across an unexpected rival – One-eyed Captain!! But our brave old sea dogs are not afraid! Make sure they get bigger watermelons than the Captain does!
On the fourth island, one of your sweet tooth pirates is willing to refresh himself with a few pieces of cake. Offer him these cakes and guess what part of the whole cake he takes. You cannot go wrong! If you make a mistake, the pirate’s cake will be eaten by a perky parrot....

Have you already play this game with your kids? It's time to do it!!

четверг, 13 июня 2013 г.

Do you already get it?

"Math. Smart Pirate includes 3 educational games: mental arithmetic, learning to read clock, learning fractions with 4 difficulty levels and over 1000 examples of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division!
This app let you control kid’s time: time accurate within hour, half an hour, 15 or 5 minutes depending on the difficulty level"

Do you already get it? Get it right now!!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/math.-smart-pirate/id548586804?mt=8

среда, 12 июня 2013 г.


Great news! Everyone who or put Like to page of Fractions. SmartPirate today will get a Promo Сodе from developers!!! 
Everyone who will SHARE this page will get 3 PROMO CODES for Fractions. SmartPirate!!!! 
Just for beautiful summer day!!!  

вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.

Fractions? Nothing's easier! :)

Fractions are a necessary skill and show up in every grade level’s Common Core Standards beginning in second grade. Fractions. Smart Pirate is fun way to not just identify fractions, but to apply problem solving skills with them as well.Students go from identifying simple fractions to using those fractions to solve a variety of problems in this Top Pick math app.
Read more here!

You can findeverything you wanted to know about Pirate's apps & to ask your questions on our Facebook page. Follow us!!

воскресенье, 9 июня 2013 г.

Math. Smart Pirate

Math. Smart Pirate - is an educational iPad application that is recommended children of 6-10 years old. This app teaches children to recognize fractions, to read time, to solve mathematical expressions ( addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). 
• 3 educational games in one: mental arithmetic, learning to read clock, learning fractions
• 4 difficulty levels
• Over 1000 examples of addition, multiplication, subtraction and division 
• Time accurate within hour, half an hour, 15 or 5 minutes depending on the difficulty level 
• Lively music and sounds effects

Read more here! http://appscovery.com/article/math-smart-pirate?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

пятница, 7 июня 2013 г.

Checking out PROMO CODES

It is a fun and easy way to learn fractions while playing together with bright spark pirates! Serve pizza and cakes round the hungry pirates’ crew, go with them on the swings and bring them through the abyss. Your kid will learn to read, compare and add fractions!

Checking out PROMO CODES for "Fractions.Smart Pirate" here! 
Attention! The number of promo codes is limited!

четверг, 6 июня 2013 г.

Hurray!!! Now your favourite app is FREE!!!

Today the app “3D Molecules Edit” is liked and used by thousands users, among which there are chemists of more than 20 countries!
«Awesome and Simple To use - I have been looking for something like this for some time to help in my tuition sessions. Easily a 5 star app, no question but could you also include a black background as well as the default light blue?Excellent!!» - BigSequin

Read more about it! https://www.facebook.com/3DMols  
Download it right now! http://fb.me/2aCcL7gwQ 

среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

See also

Virtualnye Prostranstva LLC, developing fun educational apps for kids, is proud to announce that its new app “Fractions. Smart Pirate” for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch is now available in the App Store.
Learn more about Fractions. Smart Pirate a Fun Educational Math Game for kids for #iPad. http://disq.us/52dkg5